A hidden treasure-unsuitable illustrations-lady no thanks-
The most interesting side of a work of illustration, is the first phase of research: You have to find the key between the text and what you interpret of this text.
At this problem you must add that your interpretation of the text may be different from what the publisher thinks, or it may happen that both-you and the publisher-will agree on the same illustration but the author does not like that illustration.
You have to get to a point where everyone approves the drawing: so you start working on the first drawings.
Sometimes the first drawing is the right one, sometime not.
But all that is discarded in a project is not thrown in the trash: surely that illustration will be perfect for another project or another client.
Thus was born the section of my illustrations discarded-unsuitable illustrations-daughter of a lesser god or maybe not.
Of course it is very ironic section, because each drawing lives independently by the customer and each character is happy to appear wherever it likes.
These are some illustrations for a collection of short stories.
The theme was the inexorable judge that lives inside of us and that he might one day materialize outside of ourselves.For this reason, I worked on the materialization of our guilt.
The working title of these three illustrations is The judgment.
The illustrations are liked by the publisher, but they were far away from the main objective of the book.
Since then we have been working on other sketches and we found our cover.
So these illustrations are the illustrations ‘lady no thanks‘.